How can you Build your Glute Muscles?

Hasan M
8 min readMar 8, 2024


Hey there, how do you do? I just came across many queries on the internet and wanted to share a solution. Your questions were regarding a fitness trainer, and I have one that might be the perfect fit for your query.

I am an official Fitness author and will convey to you the best that there is.

What are the glute muscles?

These muscles are the strongest pilates of the human body. Their role is to push your body forward, sideways, backwards, bend, stand, and pretty much everything else to position your body from one point to another point.

Why are strong glutes important for everyone?

As mentioned above, the gluteus maximus muscle helps move the human body. Without the stiffness of this muscle, there is no chance for your body to operate, and you can end up in the hospital. So, train your gluteus muscles and make your body healthy.

What is the best way to build the glute muscles (light or heavy, progressive overload, etc.)? Please also touch on adequate nutrition.

Taking advice from an expert will make you do some of the best exercises to make your glute muscles powerful. Note that all my students are contracted to sign up for my forms, including all exercises to build up your glute muscles; it’s tough but extremely worth it, so bear with me.

№1 is squats: Start from 15–25 sets of squats a day in the beginning.

№2 is Lunges: I know it’s tough, but start doing it on the third day of your glute exercise routine.

№3 is Deadlifts: This is the mother of all glute training routines. It will make your body stronger than ever.

But, as an expert, my responsibility is to lead my students beyond these. So, as a healthcare trainer, I make sure to move my trainees from these to the next level.

First, you must do 10 hip thrusts daily, 12 glute bridges daily, and 12 cable kickbacks (both legs) daily.

The most important thing is the diet. You need to have a combination of proteins to help keep your body in an anabolic state and an environment that helps build muscle throughout the day.

Please discuss 4–6 of the best glute exercises to build muscle. For each exercise, include directions on how to do them wisely and safely.

Being a personal trainer to gain weight and lose muscle, my name is Giulia, and I will explain to you the best glute exercises you can do to build muscles.

№1: Glute Bridge.

If you have never done it before, follow my steps.

  1. Put a yoga mat on the floor. Don’t think of doing it on the bare floor.
  2. Laying flat on the back hips.
  3. Bent your knees.
  4. Feet on the floor.
  5. Hands are at your side.

Now, this is your starting position. Lift your butt off the ground and hold it there. This posture makes a pretty good glute bridge.

Note: If it’s your first time, as a doer, you’ll feel that you aren’t feeling the right pressure on your glute, but you are feeling it eventually. It’s just your first time, and you don’t know yet to feel the pressure on the exact point.

So, as a trainer, I will have to ask you about it, and I know there will be multiple answers to it. Some of those answers will be in the quats in front of the legs, the hamstrings on the backside, into the butt, backside, or in the stomach, and the combination of those sides.

Now, here’s the best part: my students mostly get scared when it’s time to return from the bridge position because some students are elderly. So, what do I do to make them safe? I put a pillow where their butt can land easily, which eventually makes the exercise safe and perfect for the angles.

№2 Reverse Lunges.

According to my experience, lunges are one of the best glute exercises and are hypertrophy, but the other exercises are bilateral, which means you can use both legs at the same time.

But lunges are different and superbly great for the glute exercise. Because it’s unilateral in nature, it provides the element of instability and addresses the potential imbalance, often loading the lower body tissues and having lower lending curves.

I have trained many people, and I start with the reverse lunges because it’s the easiest lunge to start with.

You are going to get the experience of Trainer Giulia,

  1. When you start in the reverse lunge, start comfortably in a traditional position with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Step backwards, allowing both knees to bend to at least 90 degrees, or you can go as far as to let the patella of the posterior.
  3. The back leg hits the ground, and the patella is the kneecap.

I find my students run into many problems, but if you want to use that as a gauge, you can. But, I personally like to have my students stop just above the floor. From that position,

  1. I like to queue driving through the ball of the back foot and the heel of the lead leg, coming up to the starting position.
  2. It’s very simple: you can repeat, and you can alternate legs if you like.

Here you go; it’s the easiest and completely safe process for reverse lunges you can do.

№3 Sumo Squats

Following the above two squats, it’s time to upgrade your body to the sumo squat. Let me show you how I do it.

But first, let me explain the 3 most common mistakes people make during sumo squats.

  1. A lot of people tend to have their toes pointed more forward than I would like.
  2. People tend to lean forward in their sumo squats so that it turns into more of a hinge.
  3. I tend to see a lot of people’s knees cave in and sumo squat, which, as you know, in any squat, is a major no-no.

The Right Ways:

№1 Wide Stands:

  1. Starting from the bottom up, you do want to take a wide stance, but you also want to make sure that your toes are pointed out at an approximate 45-degree angle.
  2. A good way to make sure your toes are pointed at a good angle is if to stand up straight and fire up your glutes. You should feel the outer edges of your hips fire up.

№2 Chest Upright:

  1. From a wide stance, the next step, which I believe is a great step, is your lower-down sumo squats. You want to make sure that your chest stays up; if you tend to full forward, then it’s a little bit more difficult to get the knees to press out wide, and whenever you’re coming forward, it’s actually a bit more of a hinge than a squat.

№3 Toes Pointed Out:

  1. Now, if your toes are pointed out and you’re keeping your chest upright, then you can naturally think about driving the knees out as opposed to letting the knees cave in.
  2. When the knees are driving out, you’re turning on everything on the outer edge of the hip to target the outer edges of the glute.

So, now you are doing the sumo squat the right way.

№4 Hip Thrust:

Hey, people, it’s not that hard to understand doing a hip thrust. You just need to get a proper angle. I am going to show you what I have learned. Let’s properly execute the hip thrust using a barbell. The best part is that it’s better than squats and deadlifts; these present more inherent risks.

Follow my steps:

  1. The very first thing you need is a barbell.
  2. Rest it on your upper back across the bench.
  3. What I do like to do is tell my students to have some stability if they’re too far forward. They might end up actually pushing the bench out from behind.
  4. But setting up the barbell right, put it out nice and secure, and you’ll be okay to lift and put pressure on your glutes.
  5. A good cue is to make sure that the scapula or the blessed shoulder is making contact with the bench.

From there, you need to get the bar over the pelvis, which can be an issue for some people, especially if you have bony hips. For that, you can get a barbell pad or even use a towel over that portion of the barbell to make sure that you don’t get too much abrasion on the hip bone.

  1. The last thing is the shins. What I do is that I like to have my feet above line in line with my shoulders.
  2. Make sure while doing it you tuck the chin and don’t put too much excessive stress on the spine.
  3. Keep vertical shins slowly moving through the range of motion, and keep your eyes downward on the bar while doing it.

Repeat these steps, and here you go, folks. Nice and easy, you can feel the pressure on your glutes.


What is the most effective glute exercise?

There are multiple exercises regarding the glutes, like reverse lunges, single leg RDL, sumo squats, and hip thrust. All the glute exercises are mentioned above.

Does walking build glutes?

Yes, it absolutely does. If you walk 10km per day, it’s the perfect exercise to build up your glutes.

What about another cardiovascular exercise?

You can use skipping rope, which is one of the best cardiovascular exercises that eventually helps burn up your glutes.

How long does it take to see results in glutes?

It takes two months when you start getting the results minorly. But continuing the exercise will help you get the results faster than ever. So, don’t skip a day.

How can I train my glutes at home?

You can do this by reading all the exercises which I have explained in detail except hip thrusts. But if you have a barbell at home. Then, it’s a jackpot.



Hasan M
Hasan M

Written by Hasan M

I am a Content Writer with 13 years of experience. Writing informational, Psychological, Reality and fictional content is my passion.

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